William Campbell, an American physiologist who specialized in ethology and the study of the relationship between dogs and owners, has been conducting research for over eight years with more than ten thousand dogs. The rresults were published in the book "Behavior Problems in Dogs" in 1975. The Campbell test is currently very popular all over the world.
It should be borne in mind that this test was originally invented to determine the future working qualities of grand and medium breeds of dogs. According to the rules, testing should be carried out at the age of seven weeks.
Is the Campbell test suitable for that toy poodle and does the Campbell test work for puppies of small breeds? I can draw your attention to where the Campbell test for puppies of small breeds is not quite effective:
1. Beingengaged in breeding puppies of small decorative breeds, the owner very often has a problem of insufficient weight in puppies. Such a puppy very often needs to be additionaly fed and heated. For example, when we have a weak puppy, the whole family takes care of it. Therefore, when during the Campbell test, it is necessary that all test were carried out by a stranger, such a puppy already has experience that all people are friends.
2. For puppies of small breeds it is possible to have tears. Many puppies of small breeds have a lot of hair on their faces that fall into their eyes. From an early age, the owner cuts or shaves the puppy's face, washes the puppy's eyes. All puppies of small and shaggy breeds need to cut the hair around the anus. Therefore, during the Campbell test, these puppies will not even try to escape from the hands.
3. In 1975, when the Campbell test was invented, there were no such vaccination rules as now. Puppies in a month and a half have already given a new owner. People took it easy for the fact that a little puppy could get sick. And there were no such very small puppies yet. For example, I can give Campbell test for my puppies, but I don't agree to take out unvaccinated puppies on the street, because I care more about puppy health than its character in the future.
Campbell test
1. Social attraction towards man
You have to stand in front of the puppy and clap your hands to get his attention.
MD - He comes immediately, with his tail lifted and nibbles his hands.
D - He comes immediately, with his tail raised, scratches our hands with his legs.
S - It comes immediately, with the tail low.
MS - It comes hesitant, with the tail low.
I - It does not come, it remains quiet or it escapes.
2. Tracking ability to the master.
You have to stand next to the puppy making sure that he is watching us and start walking.
MD - He follows us immediately, with his tail lifted, trying to bite our feets.
D - He follows us immediately, with his tail lifted.
S - It follows us immediately, but with the tail low.
MS -We still doubt, with the tail low.
I -It dous not follow us, or it follows us from afar.
3. Acceptance of the obligation.
You have to keep the puppy for 30 seconds in an position holding it by the chest.
MD - Fight hard, debate and bite.
D - Fight hard and debate.
S -He rebels at first but than calms down.
MS -He stands still and licks our hands.
I -He stays still and has confused answers: he becomes agitated, he calms down, he llok away.
4. Acceptance to social superiority.
Put the puppy on the ground and stroke, touching it quite hard in the direction of the head along the back. The bejavior of the puppy will show its ability to accept or reject completely the social superiority (in this case, a person)
MD - immediately jump, jump on you, hit you with legs and bite your hands.
D - jump, hit you with legs and lick your hands.
S - Turns to you and licks your hands.
MS - Lie on your back and begin to lick your hands.
I - Runs away and does not fit anymore.
5. Dignity.
Hold the puppy by the abdomen with the hands clasped and lift it until its legs do not touch the ground for 30 seconds. Having no support, the puppy will be completely at the mercy of the examiner.
MD - Revolts violently, growls and bites.
D - He rebels violently.
S - He rebels, calms down and licks the hands.
MS - Does not protest, quietly hangs or licks hands.
I - Scared, tense, "clamped".
Two o more MDs with some D
Such a dog will do everything possible to dominate and subjudate everyone with all his strenght. It can be potentially aggressive and tends to bite if it treated abruptly. It is not recommended to give it to a family where there are small children or elderly people. For the education of such a dog an experienced instructor in training is required, a relaxed environent among adults. He most be educated calmly, without physical punishment. Use as protective guard dog.
3 D and more:
The tendency to calm and confident supeority, the desire to be leader. Such a dog has a great skill in competitions work disciplines. With the right education and sufficient attention, the dog will become your faithful and obedient friend.
3 S and more:
This dog normally adapts to any conditions, is very well brought up, and we recommend it in a family with children and old people. True, difficulties may arise if your want to train the dog for protection.
2 MS o more, especially in combination with one o more I:
Too susceptible to the influence of circumstances and prone to submission, to trast people and be completely relaxed, needs constant support, in the process of education requires a lot of attention and tact, sincerity and love to win the trust of the dog. Usually quite calm with children, can bite only to protect themselves if it is mistreated.
2 I and more:
Before you a dog difficult to train and educational influences. Which will never trust a person. This dog may bite from fear or stress. In no case should its be allowed into the family where there are children. This dog needs a very experienced professional educator.